Last week we told you that the City of Lawton Utility Division was implementing the new software to allow new ways to access and pay your utility bill with the City of Lawton.

Water from tap running into stainless steel sink with pot scrubber lying in it.
Susan Vineyard

On Saturday, we were informed that the new Self Service Portal is now open!  This system will allow citizens will be able to pay their bills, sign up for the auto-draft, opt in for text and email alerts, etc.

Access the Self Service Portal at this link: Select “Self Service” and then select “Register for a new account.” To create an account, citizens must have a valid email address. After creating an account, citizens will need to select “Utility Billing” to link their utility accounts. Citizens will need their name, account number, and customer number when signing up within the portal. If you have an existing utility bill, the account number and customer number are available at the top, right-hand corner.

The City of Lawton is excited to be able to bring this technology to the Citizens of Lawton, allowing consumers to be able to pay their bills remotely with this new online system.

If citizens need assistance with their account number and customer number

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, they can call 1-888-635-3596, which is a designated line to assist citizens with accessing their account number and customer number, or to seek technical assistance with the portal. Assistance at this number will be available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

The City of Lawton first announced the upgrade to the City's Utility Billing system in January of this year.  For more information about this new system, you can reach out to the City of Lawton's Utility Services Division at 580-581-3308.

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