Winter in a state made for and known for being hot is not ideal. In fact, it's more difficult than others might think. States like Oklahoma build and prepare more for heat throughout the year more so than we do the cold. Maybe that's why the sooner state is tied for the #2 spot for the most winter-related disaster declarations for over a decade.

Payless Power shared with us their findings from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which showed Oklahoma has had four winter related disaster declarations since 2014.

What Is A Disaster Declaration?

Disaster declarations are from the President, who can declare a Major Disaster Declaration for any natural event the President believes has caused damage of such severity that it is beyond the combined capabilities of state and local governments to respond.

Oklahoma's High Number of Winter-Related Declarations

FEMA Data Tool
Provided by Payless Power

Oklahoma has had four of these winter-related Disaster Declarations within the last 11 years, along with Tennessee and Kansas.

Although all 50 states have been impacted by a natural disaster in the last five years, some studies show that folks who live in the United States are more likely to experience a natural disaster if they live in California, Washington and Oklahoma.

How To Better Prepare For Winter Weather in Oklahoma (And Save Money)

The likelihood of experiencing a natural disaster is sometimes out of our control (a.k.a tornadoes). But there are ways to help prepare for the winter months that could lessen the blow of a major winter storm. Some advice from professionals is:

  • Seal cracks and gaps.
  • Insulate walls and attics.
  • Try using thermal curtains or blinds.
  • Use space heaters and blankets strategically.
  • Be purposeful with heating your home; keep it set to a lower temperature and opt to wear more layers rather than setting the thermostat higher.

You can find more helpful ways to save some money during the winter months in Oklahoma by clicking here.

Oklahoma Cold Weather Checklist

Those first big cold fronts always seem to catch Oklahoma by surprise. In one big swoop, the nearly 100° days turn into sudden freezes overnight. We'll still have warm days here and there throughout winter, but now is as good a time as now to start on your cold weather checklist. Easy small tasks that add up to bother energy savings and comfort in the home. They'll also allow you to avoid the big headaches and repair bills that happen so frequently in our bipolar climate.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Oklahoma Winter Weather Vehicle Checklist

Whether you're driving across town or across the state, Oklahoma's winter weather has the potential to make your trip an unforgettable experience. While we focus mainly on the summer season conditions--not driving during the heat of the day, road surface temp, etc...--the winter here is just as concerning. Here's a quick rundown on the stuff you should check before braving the frigid cold in the Sooner State.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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