Watch the Surviving Members of the Original Alice Cooper Band Reunite Onstage for the First Time Since 2011
Former Alice Cooper bassist Dennis Dunaway hosted a book signing at Good Records in Dallas last night — and surprised the crowd with a reunion of the band's surviving members, complete with an eight-song set of Cooper classics.
The set, which you can watch via Periscope, brought Cooper together onstage with Dunaway, guitarist Michael Bruce and drummer Neal Smith for the first time since 2011, when they staged a pair of performances coinciding with their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as well as their appearance on Cooper's Welcome 2 My Nightmare LP. Guitarist Ryan Roxie, a member of Cooper's current band, subbed in for original member Glen Buxton, who died in 1997.
Dunaway was in town to promote his recently published memoir, Snakes! Guillotines! Electric Chairs!: My Adventures in the Alice Cooper Group, a book the publisher promises "takes readers into back rooms, behind brainstorming sessions, and into the most exclusive parties of the 1970s, revealing the talent, drama, and characters that drove two teenagers to create what would become America's highest-grossing act."
As evidenced by his appearance at the event, Dunaway's book carries Cooper's personal stamp of approval. He expressed his support in a statement released prior to publication, saying, "I still consider Dennis Dunaway to be one of my best friends. Dennis is one of the few true surrealists that I've ever met. ... This book carries on in Dennis' own private surrealistic world."
Check out set-closing number "Elected" above, and visit Cooper's Facebook page for more footage and photos from the event.
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See More Video From the Alice Cooper Band Reunion
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