Maybe you've seen the trucks around town that are restriping streets and intersections in Lawton, Fort Sill. The city is busy making much needed improvements to our local roads and will continue the restriping program until all major streets and intersections are re-done. It started earlier this Spring and will more than like take a few more weeks to completely finish. So far they've restriped the intersections at 82nd and Lee Blvd, 82nd and Quanah Parker Trailway and several other intersections along 67th Street.

Around 23 intersections will be restriped in Lawton, Fort Sill and given a freshening up. I was just talking about this a few weeks ago while at an intersection wondering when they would be repainting them. Well, looks like it's already underway. it'll be nice to see all the lines again, especially in rainy or severe weather. In the past it seemed that all the lines on the roads just disappeared under the water making it difficult to see. The restiping project by the Lawton Streets Division is being funded by the PROPEL CIP funds that were voted on and approved for needed street repairs and maintenance back in 2020.

We just received the results from the City of Lawton Community Needs Online Survey and an overwhelming majority of Lawtonians who took the survey identified road conditions and repair at the very top of the list. You can click here to see the full report from the survey. For all the details on the Lawton restriping project see the official press release below:

City of Lawton
City of Lawton

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