
Oklahoma’s Funniest & Craziest Street Names
Oklahoma’s Funniest & Craziest Street Names
Oklahoma’s Funniest & Craziest Street Names
The Sooner State has some really funny, unusual, and downright crazy street names. Every town and city in Oklahoma has at least a few unforgettable street names that people find hilarious. Here's a rundown of some of the state's best and funniest street names.
Road Conditions in Lawton, Fort Sill Remain Treacherous
Road Conditions in Lawton, Fort Sill Remain Treacherous
Road Conditions in Lawton, Fort Sill Remain Treacherous
Well, here we are day three of Mother Nature's frozen wonderland. It's been a crazy couple of days in Lawton, Fort Sill and it's not over yet! Things are slowly but surely starting to melt off, but we've got a ways to go before the roads are clear.
We’d Like to Say a BIG THANKS to our City of Lawton Street Crews!
We’d Like to Say a BIG THANKS to our City of Lawton Street Crews!
We’d Like to Say a BIG THANKS to our City of Lawton Street Crews!
We'd like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our City f Lawton workers and street crews for everything they've done for us over the past couple of days. They've been out night and day in all this madness spreading salt and sand to help improve the road conditions in Lawton, Fort Sill.
The Funny, Unusual and Crazy Street Names of Oklahoma
The Funny, Unusual and Crazy Street Names of Oklahoma
The Funny, Unusual and Crazy Street Names of Oklahoma
The Sooner State has an abundance of really funny, unusual, and downright crazy street names. Every town and city in Oklahoma has at least a few unforgettable street names that non Okies and even Okies alike find hilarious! Here's a rundown of some of the state's best and funniest street names.
City of Lawton is Restriping Intersections!
City of Lawton is Restriping Intersections!
City of Lawton is Restriping Intersections!
Maybe you've seen the trucks around town that are restriping streets and intersections in Lawton, Fort Sill. The city is busy making much needed improvements to our local roads and will continue the restriping program until all major streets and intersections are re-done. It started earlier this Spring and will more than like take a few more weeks to completely finish. So far they've restriped the intersections at 82nd and Lee Blvd, 82nd and Quanah Parker Trailway and several other intersections along 67th Street.
Get Ready for More Potholes in Lawton
Get Ready for More Potholes in Lawton
Get Ready for More Potholes in Lawton
If you thought Lawton roads and potholes were bad before, you haven't seen nothing yet. Thanks to the winter storm we had last week with all the snow, ice and water everywhere along with the dirt, salt and plowing it's definitely going to do some damage to our roads. All the freezing temperatures we saw last week and rapid changes in the weather from hot to cold and back again will certainly cause issues with our streets and create more potholes. The asphalt roads will be worse than concrete, but both will be affected.