The Dreadful Haunting of This Oklahoma Forest is Truly Terrifying
It's one of Oklahoma's all-time scariest urban legends and haunted places, the dreaded Parallel Forrest in Lawton, OK. If you've lived in the Sooner State for any amount of time you've probably heard of this frightening forest, and more than likely you've heard a few ghost stories about it as well. There's certainly no shortage of paranormal experiences and creepy tales that people have told throughout the years.
The Parallel Forest is located about 20-25 minutes away from Lawton, Fort Sill in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. To get there from Lawton take I-44 to the Medicine Park exit, that's the one where Loves is at. After the exit you'll be on Highway 49 all the way into the refuge. When you get to the intersection of Meers Road/Highway 115 make a right turn and follow the road until you get to the Parallel Forest. It's super easy to get there, click here if you'd like to see the Google Map directions. It's worth checking out yourself!
This pathway leads into the haunted Parallel Forest in the Wichita Mountains.
The Parallel Forest pictured above was originally created back in the early nineteen hundreds around 1912 or so. It features a little over sixteen acres of 20,000 red cedar trees all planted six feet apart. It's rumored that the forest was built or planted that way to help with the dust bowl, serving as a barrier for wind and dust. It's been a Lawton, Comanche County landmark ever since. It's Beautiful and truly terrifying at the same time!
So what are some of the famed stories of the Parallel Forest? There's everything from ghosts, strange noises, beastly creatures, witches, Satanists and just about every other kind of paranormal or horrifying experience pulled directly from your nightmares. Supposedly during the prohibition era outlaws and lawmen used the forest to dispose of enemies and bury any evidence. Everything from bodies to bootleg treasures.
Hit play on the video below to learn more about the haunting of Parallel Forest
Along with that, there are stories of those who became lost and died in the forest unable to find their way out, and now haunt the area. Several people have reported seeing ghosts of men, women, and children walking through the trees at night. It gets worse, some people have said they saw a large wolf-like creature who hunts the woods for prey. There have been reports of howls, growls, red eyes, sharp teeth, and other terrifying descriptions of this creature in the woods. Most only get a glimpse before running to safety.
The video above from YouTube Channel Big Banks shows just how scary this place can be, especially at night. Not only are there all these crazy stories of ghosts and everything else, there are also all kinds of wildlife roaming about. As if all the paranormal activity that's been reported through the years wasn't enough there are even more stories about witches and a satanic cult using the forest at night for ceremonies.
The Parallel Forest is one of the most legendary & haunted places in Oklahoma
That's right there's more than just ghosts in the woods and beastly creatures. For years people have told stories of a coven of witches that use an altar in the middle of the forest to perform all kinds of strange magic and ceremonies. Not only witches are using the altar a satanic cult has been rumored to frequent the woods as well. Some have seen dark-cloaked figures at the altar and heard chants. Some say animal and even human sacrifices have taken place there. The Parallel Forest has no end to its scary tales.
The picture below shows the altar that's located in the middle of the forest. It'll take you a while to get there, make sure you know how to find your way back. Most of the trails in the forest are pretty clear, but if you get off the beaten path you could easily find yourself lost. It happens more often than you'd think.
The dark altar in the middle of the Parallel Forest that witches and Satanists use.
Some people have claimed to have found evidence of both witchcraft and devil worship at this altar. There are pictures and videos of animal bones, dried blood, burnt papers and wood along with candle wax and other materials left behind by someone. The remains of chickens and other dead animals have been found near or on the altar so a lot of people are convinced a cult or coven is using it for evil purposes.
So when did this alter show up and who built it? According to the video below from YouTube Channel Radix Monkey Studios, it could have been built before the Parallel Forest was planted way back in the seventeen hundreds. He suggests that it's not an altar it's an ore-grinding or crushing mill that was abandoned from the old mining days when prospectors mined for gold and silver out at the Wichita Mountains.
Watch the video below to take a virtual tour of the haunted Parallel Forest in Lawton, OK.
Personally, I've never seen or heard anything paranormal or experienced anything out of the ordinary in all the times I've visited the Parallel Forest. I've gone probably a dozen or more times throughout the years taking friends and family who wanted to see it. I will say that it's a really creepy place and the way all the trees are parallel in any direction you look is eerie as hell. You get a certain feeling while you're there that's for sure.
It's one of those places you just have to visit for yourself and everybody seems to have a different experience. If you're into the paranormal and supernatural Oklahoma has a ton of haunted places, urban legends, and eerie tales. It seems almost every county, town, and place you can go to in the Sooner State there are ghost stories being told. There's something for everyone. Click here for more Oklahoma hauntings!
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