A volcanic eruption has created a new island along the sea of Japan, located 620 miles south of Tokyo.

The new island just off the coast of the uninhabited island of Nishinoshima of the Bonin Islands is only 660 feet in diameter.

The 30 island chain which spans 620 miles also lies on the Pacific Ocean plate known as 'The Ring of Fire.'

The last recorded volcanic eruption in the area was recorded in the mid 1970s, with much of the activity occuring under the seas.

Volcanologist Hiroshi Ito who was with the Japanese coastguard to investigate the new island told FNN news that there is a possibility the new island will erode away, but possibly also remain permanently.

Japaneses Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga also stated that new islands along the chain do come and go, but also states that the Japanese government will welcome the new land to their country.

"If it becomes a full-fledged island, we would be happy to have more territory," Suga said.


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