Oklahoma Let’s Discuss Common Sense Gun Control & Gun Free Zones in 2023
It's said repeatedly, ad nauseam. "What we need is common-sense gun control." This seems to be the single biggest talking point and catchphrase uttered countless times by politicians, the media, and celebrities whenever a mass shooting or really any time tragic gun-related violence occurs. So what exactly does this mean? More importantly, would it make an impact and create a safer more secure country and citizenship?
Oklahoma brings more common sense to the "common sense" gun control debate
Obviously, something needs to be done and I think we can all agree that what we're doing right now isn't working. All the laws and gun control on the books to date haven't stopped the violence and shootings. Common sense would say we need to do or change something. After all "Common sense gun control" keeps being mentioned over and over. So by all means let's apply some common sense and logic to the problem.
FACT: Well over 96% of all mass shootings occur in gun-free zones. They are among some of the most dangerous places in the country. Also, states with the most restrictive gun laws have some of the highest crime rates and gun violence on record. Why is that? Shouldn't these restrictions make us safer? Sure, if we all obeyed the law. That's the biggest problem, only the law-abiding will adhere to the law. Criminals on the other hand will completely ignore the law. Criminals by their very name, definition, and nature are criminals.
Crime & violence are on the rise having the means to protect yourself & others is vital
Common sense and logic would suggest that these gun-free zones and restrictive gun laws aren't making us any safer. As a matter of fact, it's having the opposite effect and making us less safe and creating victims. Yet we keep piling on more laws and further restricting guns and the citizen's right to protect themselves. No one would say what we're currently doing is working, so why do we keep doing it? The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Which is what we're doing.
So if disarming law-abiding citizens and stripping them of the most effective means to defend themselves and others isn't working, maybe we should consider the alternative. After all, experience has shown us that gun-free zones and restrictive gun laws aren't producing the results we want. So let's talk about "Common sense gun control." First common sense would say gun-free zones are deadly and need to go away. Disagree? Well, how do you explain all the death and injury that have taken place in gun-free zones? Exactly!
Seek training on proper safe gun handling and self-defense instruction
Second, it's been proven repeatedly that restrictive gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens making it more difficult, if not near impossible, for them to protect themselves and others. Doubt that? How do you explain the crime rates and gun violence in states and cities with some of the most restrictive gun control in the nation? More often than not these places have much higher crime rates and gun violence than places with less restrictive gun laws. It proves the point that being helpless doesn't make criminals harmless. So like gun-free zones these draconian gun control laws need to go away as well. The sooner the better.
That's just my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Or at least I used to be anyway. I'm sure this will be misread and misinterpreted by those who would rather persecute armed law-abiding citizens instead of prosecuting murderous criminals. Our freedoms do not hinge on the criminal acts of others. More laws and gun control aren't the answer. So what is? it's found in the immortal and uncompromising words of Col. Jeff Cooper: “If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”