Once Again Oklahoma’s Favorite Halloween Candy is Ranked the Worst in the Nation!
You'll never guess what Oklahoma picked as its favorite Halloween candy, again. I hate to say it, but it's pretty disgusting! I had hoped that in the year of our Lord 2022 we would redeem ourselves and choose more wisely. I was holding out hoping we'd develop some taste when it comes to candy, but sadly we didn't!
It seems every year the Sooner State ends up making the absolute worst candy it's most popular, this year is no exception. The annual list of the most popular Halloween candy by each state has been released by Zippia.com and once again Oklahoma blew it! Most states select chocolate or popular treats, not OK!
For the past couple of years, Zippia.com has done a survey or study on each state's favorite Halloween candy. After all the results are tabulated they create a map of the U.S. that shows the results. Click here to see this year's map. Oklahoma has to have the worst taste in Halloween candy in the nation. Somehow Cirus Peanuts are the most popular Halloween candy in the state. How this happened is beyond me.
If you're unfamiliar with Circus Peanuts they're those orange-colored, kind of marshmallow candies that somewhat resemble a peanut. If you've ever eaten one, you spit it out. They're that bad. I don't know a single person that actually likes them and doubt anyone under the age of 50 has even tried one. It's an old-school candy that at one time was popular until actual good candy started becoming available.
The most popular candies this year nationwide are Kit Kats and Twix. Overall chocolate beat out other types of candy this year, but it's still really close to 50/50. It was a narrow victory. Click here to see all the results. Maybe next year Oklahoma will bounce back and we'll have a better "favorite." I just hope trick-or-treaters don't end up getting a bunch of Circus Peanuts this year...Poor kids, that would totally suck!