No, it won't be an invasion of Transformers on Saturday, instead the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation is taking over the Great Plains Coliseum on Saturday for the 2017 Oklahoma VEX State Championship. The event is expected to attract students from across Oklahoma in three divisions, separated by age group into an Elementary and Middle combined VEX IQ competition, and VEX Robotics competitions for  Middle and High School age groups.

The initial two divisions will get underway around 10 a.m., with the High School division competition after those division have completed. There will also be a display featuring moon rocks through out the day.

This is the first time in the event's four years that it has come to Lawton. In the competition was held in Oklahoma City its first year, and then at Northeastern State University in Talequah the past two years.

The competition is sponsored locally by Northrop Grumman Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Dr. Wayne Johnson, Lawton Fort Sill Convention and Visitors Bureau and Great Plains Technology Center.

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Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for Westfield

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