fort sill

Get Ready for the 2023 Lawton, Fort Sill Freedom Festival
Get Ready for the 2023 Lawton, Fort Sill Freedom Festival
Get Ready for the 2023 Lawton, Fort Sill Freedom Festival
Here's the best part IT'S FREE! That's right it's totally free, there's no charge to get in or for parking. Just come out and enjoy two full days of July Fourth fun, fireworks food, live music, and activities at Elmer Thomas Park in Lawton, OK.
Bombs, Break-ins and Bodies- Do You Feel Safe in Lawton, OK? [POLL]
Bombs, Break-ins and Bodies- Do You Feel Safe in Lawton, OK? [POLL]
Bombs, Break-ins and Bodies- Do You Feel Safe in Lawton, OK? [POLL]
What's going on in Lawton, Fort Sill lately? The past couple of weeks has been insane. We'd had more bomb threats, bodies being found, and all kinds of other break-ins and burglaries. So with everything that's going on do you feel safe living in Lawton, Fort Sill? Take the quick poll and let us know your opinion.
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
If you've just moved to Lawton, Fort Sill or if you've been here a while, maybe your entire life, and aren't aware of these Facebook groups and pages you should definitely check them out. All of them are focused on Lawton, Fort Sill and have great information, news, entertainment, and are worthy of hitting join, follow, and like.
Do You Feel Safe Living In or Visiting Lawton, Fort Sill? [POLL]
Do You Feel Safe Living In or Visiting Lawton, Fort Sill? [POLL]
Do You Feel Safe Living In or Visiting Lawton, Fort Sill? [POLL]
It seems like we've had more than our fair share of shootings, stabbings, break ins, vehicle thefts and an apparent increase in overall violent crime and property crime in Lawton, Fort Sill lately. In the past few weeks I've had the same conversation over and over with friends, family and co-workers. A lot of people don't feel safe and are worried about our current crime rates. So how about you? Do you feel safe living or visiting Lawton, Fort Sill?

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