Ten Things To Do at Lawton’s Farmers Markets
Shop at your local farmers market this season, and support farm families in your area and you’ll find produce in season that’s fresher than what’s in a grocery store. All the while choosing healthy food options and getting in some exercise! Lawton has two "farmer's markets" and I have information about them listed at the end of this article.
Here are 10 things you should do when you attend the Farmers Market
1. Get in some exercise and scope out the best produce and prices by walking all the way around the market and looking at each booth before returning to make your purchases.
2. Be on the lookout for fresh-cut or potted herbs and spices that you can use as low-cal seasoning alternatives to butter, sour cream, dressings and mayonnaise.
3. Load up on greens and legumes, including beans, peas and lentils. Vegetables like carrots, celery, cauliflower, broccoli and zucchini are delicious raw and easy to cut up for a quick snack or lunch.
4. Steer clear of stands with homemade goodies, such as pies, pastries and cookies, as well as vendors selling ice cream or anything fried.
5. Be sure to check labels on homemade jams, jellies, preserves or chutneys, as they may be high in sugar or salt. Ask the sellers about their ingredients.
6. Try to limit buying large amounts of produce that are also starches, including potatoes, corn, pumpkin and some types of squash and peas.
7. Keep an eye out for new foods to try. Don’t be afraid to ask about an unfamiliar fruit or vegetable. Most vendors are happy to explain what it is and how you can prepare it at home.
8. Talk to vendors about which produce will keep for a long time or is good for canning or freezing. Apples, potatoes, squash and garlic will keep for many weeks or months when stored properly. Tomatoes and berries are great for canning. You can make your own salsas, sauces and jams, while controlling the amount of sugar, salt and additives you’re eating.
9. Looking to treat yourself? Pick up a bouquet of fresh flowers or a bar of homemade soup at the farmers market instead of reaching for a sugary treat.
10. Make the trip a group outing. Encourage friends and family as you all enjoy the festive atmosphere, fresh air, and healthy foods.
Lawton Farmers Market - is operated in the parking lot of the Great Plains Coliseum. They run Wednesday (in the peak of summer growing) and Saturday from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm. For more information visit their Facebook page - Lawton Farmers Market
The Marketplace at Fairmont District - is located at 411 SE Larrance Street and is operated Wednesday's from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and on Saturday's from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information visit their Facebook page - The Marketplace at Fairmont District
Source: TOPS.org
TOPS Club, Inc. is the original, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization. You can find a local chapter by vising their website and entering your zip code. For 73501 I found:
Holy Family Catholic Church (TOPS OK 0327) 1010 NW 82nd St School Rm Lawton, OK 73505-4103 Fri: 8:30/9:30 AM (weigh in time/meeting time) |