Texas Won: Hottest State
Some records don't need to be broken. Texas and Oklahoma were fighting it out for the hottest state on record for any 3-month period. After much meteorological debates and friendly betting, the National Weather Service announced Thursday Texas as the winner by a nose.
Texas averaged 86.6 degrees June through August, beating Oklahoma's 1934 record of 85.2. Yes, that was a dust bowl year. Congrats, Lone Star State!
Oklahoma averaged 86.5 degrees for the same period this year. Texas had its hottest June on record, the fifth warmest month overall, and July was the warmest month ever. Oklahoma’s July was the country’s highest monthly average temperature ever, at 89.1 degrees.
The averages are reached by taking the highs and lows in entire 24-hour cycles of day, not just from daily highs.
The hot and dry weather can be blamed on the la Nina phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean. The National Weather Service delivered the bad news on Thursday that la Nina is back and will probably last through winter. So, instead of HOT and dry, it will be COLD and dry.
Some records are just not worth breaking.