Born and raised in Mobile, my family moved to Dallas where I have spent the majority of my life. I have missed the Gulf Coast over the years and go back every chance I get. I admit it freely, I am a water baby and am happiest being near the water. I started out in radio in Dallas. After a few years, I found out how up and down this business can be. I dabbled in other career fields but nothing could compare to doing what I love to do most. I’ve spent the last year and half completing my Bachelors degree at the University of Texas at Arlington and was able to finally make my way back into radio. Now, I have my degree, a new home town in Tyler and am the new guy at night, which allows me to talk to my new friends and neighbors, you. At risk of sounding like a personal ad, I enjoy biking, hiking, kayaking, and strolling through the town with my dog Jackal. I have had the big lug since he was 5 weeks old, who is my best friend and companion. I love to grill, especially during football season, and have enjoyed cooking since I was kid. Yes, I am a Dallas Cowboys fan but more over I am a Crimson Tide fan, ROLL TIDE! You can hang out with me every night! I’ll keep you up to date with the latest music and news from around East Texas and adding some good laughs in there as well.
Sexting for Young Adults is Normal Behavior [SURVEY]
There is no denying we are fully immersed in the digital age. Over the last few years the craze of sexting, sending nude or erotic photos via text message, has landed some people in jail, suspended from school, or fired from a job. But is this considered normal behavior?
Sex Offenders Stealing New Identities Get Easier Access to Children [POLL]
Thousands of registered sex offenders could be living next to your child's school or playground. Even though laws specifically prohibit registered sex offenders from doing so these criminals have found a loop hole. Find out the shocking truth!
Man Arrested on His Way to Shoot His Boss
A man was driving more than 112pmh with his flashers on when a Maine State Trooper pulled him over and searched his trunk. The trooper was astonished of what he found!
Colorado Shooter James Holmes- What Went Wrong? [POLL]
Details are pouring by the second about Colorado's second mass shooting since April 20, 1999 when two armed assailants walked into Columbine High School and opened fire on students. What made James Holmes take his sinister action last night?
George Zimmerman Says ‘God Planned for Me to Shoot Trayvon Martin’ [POLL]
In an interview with Sean Hannity, George Zimmerman, the man accused of shooting Trayvon Martin, says that there was a divine plan for to shoot the young boy in Florida. Watch the jaw dropping video!
Your Next American Idol Judge is…Charlie Sheen?
Ever since Simon Cowell made his grand exit from the still popular show American Idol creator Nygel Lithgoe has been searching for a replace for the brutal honesty of the former judge. But is their new selection really qualified?
Deep Purple Co-Founder Jon Lord Dead at 71
Jon Lord, who had been battling Pancreatic Cancer, died today due to a Pulmonary Embolism according to a statement released on his website.