Oklahoma Lawmakers Move Forward on Ending Grocery Sales Tax
Last year the news broke that Oklahoma Legislators were working to end the sales tax on groceries. At that time they announced that they would be conducting a study to see what the possible impacts would be both positive and negative for the state. Well, they've done their research and it's looking like they'll be moving forward with it. Rep. Sean Roberts recently announced that he hopes to introduce updated legislation or a referendum that will remove the current sales tax on groceries in the Sooner State.
Oklahoma is only one of six states that still puts a full sales tax on groceries, it's around 4.5%. So most of the country isn't taxing people for grocery items, although some states still tax ready-made food items. While 4.5% doesn't sound like a lot it would definitely help a lot of Oklahomans when it comes to their grocery bill. Especially low-income families or those with limited or fixed incomes like seniors and retirees.
If the new measure passes it would amend the current Oklahoma sales tax rates and code to provide an exemption for some grocery items. From what it sounds like right now the only grocery items that would be tax-free would be food/groceries in the Federal SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). While we had hoped they all sales tax on groceries would go away, something is better than nothing.
State lawmakers will be submitting a referendum and are hoping to gain approval in order to place it as a question on a state ballot. I think most Oklahomans would agree doing away with the state's current sales tax on groceries is a good thing. By doing this it would certainly help Oklahomans and even help stimulate the economy and provide economic growth within the state. The grocery budget for most people and families would certainly go a lot further if the sales tax were removed, even if it's only SNAP items.
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