
The Most Popular Way to Cook a Turkey in Oklahoma
The Most Popular Way to Cook a Turkey in Oklahoma
The Most Popular Way to Cook a Turkey in Oklahoma
Let's settle this argument once and for all. What is the most popular way Oklahomans' cook their turkey on Thanksgiving? Everyone has a favorite from deep frying to smoking and baking. So which do you prefer? Take the quick poll and let us know.
Get Ready Lawton, Fort Sill Memorial Day Weekend is Almost Here!
Get Ready Lawton, Fort Sill Memorial Day Weekend is Almost Here!
Get Ready Lawton, Fort Sill Memorial Day Weekend is Almost Here!
Memorial Day weekend is almost here! Take some time this weekend to honor and remember those servicemen and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our continued freedoms. They're the real reason that we live in the greatest country in the world!
The Pre-Fourth of July Office Cookout Was a BIG Success!
The Pre-Fourth of July Office Cookout Was a BIG Success!
The Pre-Fourth of July Office Cookout Was a BIG Success!
One of the coolest things we do around here is cookouts and luncheons. We never miss an opportunity to cookout or make meals. The entire office gets in on it and everybody brings something to prepare or serve. Of course with this weekend being the July Fourth weekend we had to brake out the grill and do up some hamburgers, hotdogs, bratwurst and even some chicken fajitas. We used our brand new 36" Blackstone Griddle Grill. We gave one of these away with our Father's Day giveaway awhile back. I've never used one before today and I have to say I really like it. Everything we threw on it turned out great!
Congrats to Our Father’s Day Griddle Grill Giveaway Winner!
Congrats to Our Father’s Day Griddle Grill Giveaway Winner!
Congrats to Our Father’s Day Griddle Grill Giveaway Winner!
Congratulations to Andy McQueen he was our winner of the "Ultimate Father's Day Great Griddle Grill Giveaway" contest. Several entered and it was Andy who won! He came and picked up his brand new 36" Blackstone Griddle Grill and grill cover and is headed home for a BIG COOKOUT! We're not too sure if Andy will be giving the grill to his Dad as a Father's Day present, or keeping it for himself. Hey, he won it and can do with it as he wishes. Maybe they can work out some kind of joint-custody arrangement so everyone's happy.

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