The NRA Should Move to Lawton, Oklahoma!
I just found out that Oklahoma legislators are trying to get the NRA (National Rifle Association) to move their headquarters to Oklahoma. They're already planning to move their incorporation status from New York to Texas sometime soon. They're also considering relocating the NRA HQ from Fairfax, VA. to a more gun friendly city and state. Oklahoma lawmakers are encouraging them to consider the Sooner State as their new home and have introduced and passed a House Resolution (HR-1007). The resolution outlines the state's protection and support of the Second Amendment and the citizen's right to keep and bare arms. It also addresses how Oklahoma is a very business friendly state allowing businesses to make their own decisions and operate more freely without unnecessary regulation and government interference.
My twin brother from a different mother and fellow firearm, freedom lovin' gun buddy Kelso just told me about this. He posted a great article on the site you can check out here. After we talked it over he had one of his usual brilliant ideas saying "The NRA should move to Lawton, they could use the Central Mall as their new HQ." Well, that's a fantastic idea in my honest, humble, non-bias opinion! We definitely have the space in town and enough abandoned properties big enough that could easily accommodate the NRA. They could use up parts of the mall as their HQ and if they're moving from Fairfax, VA. you know the NRA National Firearms Museum will move too. We could put that in the old Fairmont Creamery building, it's right next to the mall!
I know what you're thinking "Critter the Central Mall was purchased for 14.6 million dollars by the City of Lawton for the FISTA Project, not the NRA. Plus once it's filled up there won't be enough space." Well that's debatable, maybe it'll fill up, maybe it won't. Either way there's a lot of space in the mall and I seriously doubt all of it will be used for FISTA. Between Sears and Dillard's plus all the other empty stores surely we can come up with something. If not let's talk about the old Gibson's building on Lee Blvd, or what about the K-Mart on 38th Street or any of the other abandoned buildings around town that are just sitting empty. Of course I realize there is little to no chance of getting the NRA to move to Lawton. I'm sure Oklahoma lawmakers were thinking of OKC or Tulsa when they extended the welcome...But, I can dream!
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