Universal Classic Monsters rebooted with “Dark Universe”
By: Robert King
Photo courtesy of Fandango Movie Clips on Youtube.
In May 2017 Universal announced that it was reviving it’s classic monster lineup for a new generation. The new franchise is called “Dark Universe” and will soon feature new versions of Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolf Man and more.
The film that launched the Dark Universe was June 2017’s “The Mummy” with Tom Cruise as a lead actor. Although the movie recieved mixed reviews from critics and monster fans, everyone is sure to look forward to the rest of the infamous monster movies.
The next big film planned is “The Bride of Frankenstein” which will feature the bride character in her first feature length film. In the 1935 version the bride is only on screen for the last few minutes of the film. This time around she will be the main character. Rumor has it that Universal wants to get Angelina Jolie to take the iconic role. If Jolie is unavailable, then Director Bill Condon is interested in Gal Gadot taking the role.
DarkUniverse.com, the official franchise website, says that also actor Javier Bardem will play Frankenstein’s monster and Johhny Depp will portray the Invisible Man in future films.
As the DU slogan says "Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters. Welcome to Dark Universe."