If you can remember back to 2018 when Oklahoma voters cast their support to legalize medical marijuana in the Sooner State, it only took days before organizers started working the political process to start pushing another vote for fully-legal, recreational-type marijuana legalization.

If you're like the average Oklahoman, you probably grew deaf to this particular story. Medical marijuana was such a slug-fest in the media, we were overwhelmingly tired of talking about it.

Clearly, our state government officials never thought Oklahomans would have voted in favor of the country's most liberated and loose medical marijuana program back then. It caught them so off-guard that they have spent much of the last four years fighting off this new push for recreational use so far, but amid roadblock after roadblock in the process, Oklahoma's Supreme Court just ruled the efforts are clear to go forward.

The ruling has approved State Question 818 and State Question 819 to move forward in the balloting process. Because these measures will change the state constitution, the signatures needed to process are higher than normal. Each will require nearly 180,000 signatures within the next 90 days if they hope to end up on the November 2022 ballot... but even if it makes the ballot, it's not clear if Oklahoma voters will be as liberal as they were in 2018.

The biggest problem recreational marijuana faces in this state is the perception that it's already a free-for-all. Just like Lawton's mayor and city council sold citizens the 2020 CIP with the promise of new roads but started acquiring real estate like the local mall, medical marijuana was sold to the public as a medical necessity and serious individual responsibility, but the industry almost immediately became a parodied cliche of tie-dyed, burned out, "we get you higher, cheaper," legalized and licensed so-called drug pushing.

It's important to realize I'm not saying the medical marijuana industry is shenanigans. I actually don't care what another adult chooses to do in their own free time... I'm just saying that's the perception the majority public has of it these days. It's honestly like nobody stopped to think naming "medicines" after kids' cartoons, childhood cereal, and opulent deep stoner cultural references might not be the best idea...

As the old saying goes, fool me once, shame on you... I'm not convinced the public majority will get behind a push for recreational, fully-legal marijuana use in Oklahoma seeing as what the medical industry looks like these days. After all, insulin doesn't have an annual day of celebration where people gather to recreationally over-indulge with on-sale and discounted insulin...

We've talked before about how the medical marijuana industry in Oklahoma has become a caricature of what it said it would be, and the 90% of Oklahomans that don't imbibe this treatment for what ails them have taken notice.

After winning the legal battle to pave the way for the process, pro-recreational marijuana use organizers still have quite the uphill battle beyond landing on a ballot. It's once again a fight to win hearts and minds in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Diner's, Drive-In's, and Dive's Guy Fieri Raved About On TV

We all know Guy Fieri is the self-proclaimed Mayor of Flavortown, and as such, we generally trust his discerning palate to guide us to the best food any place has to offer. At least the places he tends to go often offer up some really good eats, and in looking at this list, having eaten at most of these places a handful of times, he's not wrong. Here are the Oklahoma original restaurants that have been featured on Triple-D.

15 More Amazing Southwest Oklahoma Hole-In-The-Wall Eats

It's far too easy to be lulled into thinking the same old chain restaurants are the "good" places to eat across Southwest Oklahoma. You won't find a single franchise on this list. It's all locally owned, locally run, sometimes a little run down, but you'll agree the meals are outstanding when you walk away with a belly full of the good stuff.

In no particular order, here are another fifteen amazing local Southwest Oklahoma eats, and be sure to check out the O.G. 15 Amazing SWOK Hole-In-The-Wall Eats right here when you're done...

The Beauty Of Southwest Oklahoma

Too many people spend too much time complaining about being in Southwest Oklahoma. If only they'd shut their mouths and open their eyes from time to time, then they'd see the true beauty of this place.

Where to Find the many murals by Justin Hackney's Spreading PAINT in Lawton, Fort Sill.

If you've driven around town you've probably seen all the murals we have in Lawton, Fort Sill. If you take the time to look you'll notice that they're everywhere. We're lucky to have so many talented artists that share their work with us regularly by painting murals. One name you've probably heard before is Justin Hackney and Spreading PAINT. His work of masterful murals can be found all over town. He's done some of the very best and has painted everything from rock stars to celebrities and everything in between. He has a style all his own and has painted murals in full color, vivid transposed negative style, and in black and white. Be on the lookout for his latest mural masterpiece he's going to keep painting them so long as people want them and there's wall space. Looking forward to seeing his next one! Check out the gallery below of Justin Hackney's Spreading PAINT murals and where to find them. We'll continue to add to the gallery as he paints them.


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